Grow with Guangzhou's Seedy KFCs?

"The best choice for you to mature and develop" reads this advertisement outside a Kentucky Fried Chicken adjacent the Gangding (岗顶) subway exit. The rest of the poster is about where and when applicants can come in for interviews.

I wonder how employees "mature" and "develop" under KFC. Just last year, the Guangdong labor bureau investigated KFC, of YUM Brands Inc. which also owns Pizza Hut and Dongfang Jibai (which incidentally means vulva in Singlish--careful with that one), for paying part-time workers--mostly students--less than minimum wage. Other past scandals include: using the cancer-causing red dye Sudan Red IV and using the toxic vegetable Sweet Leaf Bush. And while unions have since been established, I couldn't find any articles about pay-raises at KFC (although I did find an article about pay-raises at McDonald's, which was also accused of short-changing employees). I did write to KFC and if I get a response I'll update this post.

KFC itself, with its Chinese characteristics, continues to be the most profitable and ubiquitous fast-food chain in China. Until it improves its record, however, I say don't eat KFC. 别吃鸡吧。

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